Tuthmosis III: Napoleon of Ancient Egypt85rate or flag this pageTweet this
By glassvisage
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Tuthmosis III appealed to me as a pharoah to write a brief biography about because of his aspiration for peace in his rule. It tends to be a rather prevalent quality of a kingdom to work for, but most often it's easier said than done. He was an equestrian, athlete, and man of arts. And not only was Tuthmosis a fair pharoah, politician, and facilitator, but he also was a brilliant military leader for the most part, just like Napoleon Bonaparte. He wasn't a pacifist, but hefought for peace.
Tuthmosis III, born as Djehutymes III and Thutmose III, was born in time for an 18th Dynasty rule (the Dynasty of Tutankhamun). Near the inception of this time period, Tuthmosis' aunt Hatshepsut was queen. He was named by his father to be his successor after he died, but he died young, so Hatshepsut usurped the title as the ruler of Egypt, virtually, although Egypt was still technically in Tuthmosis' hands and Hatshepsut was supposed to be merely a regent. It appears, however, that she didn't completely expunge his authority, and just ruled as a succedaneum while recognizing him simultaneously.
For most of her time in "his" ruling of the country, he spent his time as a military leader. He completely retook his place as King when Hatshepsut died, and as soon as he did, he wiped out nearly any trace of her existence in anger of her power during his rule, such as reliefs or statues, which I find lovely. *heehee* Before he knew it, he found himself up against the cobelligerence of Megiddo and Kadesh, and then Mesopotamians refused to pay any tribute to Egypt. He had a little bit of catching up to do, from what I perceive. He and his troops overtook 350 cities throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. He managed to impose possession of Palestine and Kadesh as well, which were some of his most prominent military achievements.
Probably his most notorious moment in his military career took place in his 42nd year as pharoah. After a 10-day march from Gaza and Yehem, he planned to overtake Megiddo, which was a major remainder of countries he still neededto gain control of. Despite advice from his commanders (whom he apparently received good tips and guidance from), he decided he'd lead his troops and horses through the narrowest, most difficult of the three different routes. After nearly 20 hours of marching, they reached the city of Megiddo and surprised Megiddo's army, who had apparently been guarding the easier routes to the city. Although the amateurish troops of Egypt initially failed to overtake the city, they prevailed in the end of the seven months with the city and all of its booty.
Building projects make up a bulk of his achievements of his lifetime. He erected blocks and temples all over his empire, and then had tombs, sanctuaries, pylons, and obelisks built. His most famous works include the Temple of Karnak, festooned with gold and riches he obtained from wars. Also, there's a black granite sanctuary Victory Stele where all of his military bests are recorded by his trusted commander, Thanuny.
His duration of his rule is fairly known as a sort of Pax Egyptiaca over his kingdom. His rule was that which can be idolized to this day, I think, as one of prosperity and newfound unity over the region. He was one of the more peaceful pharoahs