Born 5,000 years ago on the banks of the River Nile, the Egyptian civilization evolved and flourished longer than any civilization at that time, for 3,000 years. Located between Africa and the Middle East, Egypt is filled with remnants of ancient times, making it a huge tourist attraction. Its history started being recorded around 3300 BC, when Egyptian writing evolved enough to do it. In 3100 BC, King Menes the Pharaoh united Lower and Upper Egypt, creating a single Kingdom. He built Memphis in the North, and Abydos in the South, as the two capital cities. Under the rule of consecutive strong and able Pharaohs, Egypt established a well organized government. At the same time the calendar was introduced. The most beloved God was Ra, the Sun God. No civilization could compete with Egypt in the time of the Pharaohs, it had the greatest buildings, the greatest wealth, long centuries of peace. The pharaohs were considered gods, and no words were enough to express the Egyptians respect and adoration for them. They were given names like “Son of Ra” or the “Giver of Life”, and touching them, or even their crown or scepter by mistake, was punishable by death. The Pharaoh was in the service of the Gods; he would make offerings of food and water, and in return the Gods would feed the souls of the Egyptians after death. He was the one that helped the Sun rise in the morning and the Nile flood in the summer.
As time passed, authority began to weaken in Egypt, and foreign princes got in control. They introduced horses and chariots to Egypt. After numerous failed dynasties and deaths of great rulers during a 400 year period, the power got in the hands of priests and the Empire declined.
Then, Persians invaded Egypt. But after a few years, in 333 BC, pursuing them came the legend – Alexander the Great. He defeated the Persians, and entered Memphis in triumph, being hailed by the Egyptians and called the King of Egypt. A great diplomat, he showed great respect and veneration to the gods of Egypt. He decided to visit the Oracle of Amon to consult the seer and he stopped on his journey to rest in an old village, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Lake of Mariott. He decided to build a town here - Alexandria. He journeyed to Asia then, to fight the Persians, and died in Babylon in 323 BC, never seeing the city that bears his name. It is believed though that he is buried in Alexandria. After he died, his Empire got divided between his generals, and the Greeks ruled Egypt until the reign of Cleopatra VII. Along with her son, she ruled Egypt from Alexandria, which became a world center of Greek culture. Greek-speaking Pharaohs ruled over Egypt for the next 300 years, until it became a province of Rome. A division of power in Rome resulted in the abandonment of Egypt and after many years of war with foreign powers that took over for short periods of time, it finally became an independent country with a President.
As time passed, authority began to weaken in Egypt, and foreign princes got in control. They introduced horses and chariots to Egypt. After numerous failed dynasties and deaths of great rulers during a 400 year period, the power got in the hands of priests and the Empire declined.
Then, Persians invaded Egypt. But after a few years, in 333 BC, pursuing them came the legend – Alexander the Great. He defeated the Persians, and entered Memphis in triumph, being hailed by the Egyptians and called the King of Egypt. A great diplomat, he showed great respect and veneration to the gods of Egypt. He decided to visit the Oracle of Amon to consult the seer and he stopped on his journey to rest in an old village, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Lake of Mariott. He decided to build a town here - Alexandria. He journeyed to Asia then, to fight the Persians, and died in Babylon in 323 BC, never seeing the city that bears his name. It is believed though that he is buried in Alexandria. After he died, his Empire got divided between his generals, and the Greeks ruled Egypt until the reign of Cleopatra VII. Along with her son, she ruled Egypt from Alexandria, which became a world center of Greek culture. Greek-speaking Pharaohs ruled over Egypt for the next 300 years, until it became a province of Rome. A division of power in Rome resulted in the abandonment of Egypt and after many years of war with foreign powers that took over for short periods of time, it finally became an independent country with a President.