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Monday, September 20, 2010

Lighthouse of Alexandria

Old or the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Lighthouse of Alexandria) is one of the seven wonders of the world .. The third is in the past wonders of the ancient world. Set up the lighthouse at the eastern part of the island of Pharos (phare) .. And called the name .. has become the name of the Pharos lighthouse note of the convention or lighthouse in European languages .. And from it derived the word "Farologi" refers to the science Oulfnarat lighthouses. Dates back to the establishment of the Lighthouse of Alexandria in 280 BC. M (third century BC) .. The purpose of the construction is to guide the sailors at the coast of Egypt was the low light emitted from the fire set in a lighthouse reflected from the copper mirrors Kdu moving to the area around the beacon. Construction began in the era of Ptolemy I, completed in the era of Ptolemy II .. It was built by architect and engineer Greco Sostratos. Building of the lighthouse was the limestone columns granite was mostly .. The sweetened parts of the building with marble and bronze .. It will be recalled for "beacon" It was built of stone and leaded regular in the barrages of glass, and those arches on the back of a maritime cancer. It is said that the total construction costs at the time amounted to 8 thousand Talent (talent) (equivalent to a quarter million pounds). The beacon is composed of four floors .. And a height between 120 meters to 135 metersGround floor of the lighthouse was about 60 meters high .. The square shape the view of many windows and a number of rooms is the 300 rooms were equipped for the accommodation of workers run the lighthouse and their families .. As well as to store the machinery and tools for the beacon .. And ends with the floor surface in all four sides with colossal statues of bronze, representing Triton (triton) I'm Neptune (Neptune) god of the sea. The second floor was octagonal and a height of about 30 meters and the third floor of a round topped summit of the lighthouse and a large lamp (lantern) .. (Which is the source of lighting in the Al-Manar) was held on eight columns with a dome above a statue a height of about seven meters .. It is likely that he was a god of the sea and earthquakes, "Poseidon." Historians did not reach the exact way to lighting the lamp (lantern) very high .. It is said that the climb to the lighthouse and down it is by spiral staircase. There was a lighthouse in the yard crane machine operating hydraulic system was used to transport fuel (wood) to the top of lighthouse where there is light .. It was reported Arab traveler Ibn Jabir .. That he saw the light of the lighthouse from a distance of 70 miles in the sea. And the method of transferring fuel to the top of lighthouse There are two: The view that the fuel was transferred by crane machine hydraulic system is working. And those who say that lifting the fuel wood to place the lamp in the last level it is through the animals .. Foster stated that of a long line of donkeys was on the move day and night up and down through a downward spiral and is on the back of fuel wood to the top of al-Manar. There was a lighthouse at the top of a huge mirror, breaking the X-ray offer a vision of vessels coming from far by the naked eye to be able to see them .. It's like a magnifying which leads scientists to suspect that the Alexandria had reached a lens in that time .. it is certain that the construction has been provided with state of the art at the time. The lamp fell and broke a mirror in 700 AD .. And thus lost the lighthouse and its function since that time and before the earthquake destroyed completely in the fourteenth century AD Description Masoudi Lighthouse accurate description .. Estimated the height at 230 cubits. And also described Abu Hajjaj Yusuf ibn Muhammad al-Maliki Andalusian Municipal known as Ibn al-Sheikh and Alexandria, who visited between 1165 -1166 from within the second part of the book "A - B" and a detailed description of the Lighthouse of Alexandria .. Used by some historians the Spanish in the picture closer to the truth of what it was the lighthouse. He also wrote of the lighthouse is also a German engineer "Tirc" and it was in a book written in 1909. In 880 AD by Ibn Tulun restored lighthouse .. And then restored later in the year 980 AD. Around in 1100 landed the octagon shape the impact of an earthquake not only remains of the lighthouse on the first floor box shape, which became a point of control and built a mosque over it. In 1303 during the reign of al-Nasir Muhammad an earthquake destroyed the forts of Alexandria and the walls .. Maqrizi described what happened to the destruction of Alexandria .. He stated that the corner-Din Baybars Ganckir has restored lighthouse 703 He has written Arab traveler Ibn Battuta when his second visit to Alexandria, the lighthouse after the quake, which happened half a century in 1350, said:
I went and found it had seized al-Manar in ruins so that can not be logged onto to him and not the king Nasser Allah's mercy has been initiated to build Bizaih Manar - the next to - Fagah death for completion ".. Was the earthquake that struck Alexandria has come to the lighthouse and scattered remnants of stones falling on the island and thus disappeared from the presence of the Lighthouse of Alexandria in the fourteenth century AD. In 1477 he visited Alexandria Sultan al-Ashraf Bey .. And ordered the building of a fortress on the ruins of Manara (when the threat of the Turks invaded Egypt) .. Indeed, this fort was established in 1480 what was known then Fortress Tower Bey Bey Bey Citadel and then .. Which still exist today
